Around the Holiday Table
by Natalie Theodosi
Festive gatherings don’t need to be reserved to overindulgent food buffets, gifts you will probably want to return, and surface-level conversations. You can design your experiences more mindfully and add a deeper meaning. Choose what matters to you. Here are three simple steps you can take to enrich the experience of celebration and gathering around the table as a family or group of friends.
Step One
Encourage each person to contribute. One person can bring their favorite bread, another can cook a starter, while anyone with a sweet tooth can take care of dessert. That way, the pressure isn’t all on the host and everyone is immediately more engaged and connected, sharing the anticipation of a great time together.
Step Two
Before eating, take a moment to express your gratitude for the opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal together. You can also define what makes this gathering so special. Or you can share your favourite festive memories of you and the other person.
Gratitude, in any ways of expression, is a fundamental part of any conscious lifestyle, and we tend to practice it on an individual level in our Five Minute Journals, but holiday gatherings are a great opportunity to introduce this concept to your family and friends and practice gratitude as a collective.
Step Three
Cultivate engaging conversations: this means talking less about the weather and politics and going deeper. Ask about dreams and aspirations for the future, favorite memories, or current challenges.
When gathered around the table, in between meals, or while on your coffee––or mulled wine––break, add an extra element to your dinner experience by playing the Get Closer games.
Table Talk Edition is a compact conversational game that combines simple, yet meaningful questions that create opportunities for more fun and engaging conversations with your dinner guests. Listen mindfully and ask second questions if you feel like it will help the person open up and go deeper. Sometimes, the most interesting conversations come after the initial answer.
Strengthen relationships with your relatives and nurture connectedness between all generations with the new Family Edition that features family bonding topics–– family values, traditions, childhood memories, and dreams. Share your favorite memories and create opportunities for more meaningful family gatherings.
We selected our favorite questions from each Get Closer game edition to inspire you to spark meaningful conversations around the holiday table. Here are five questions to ask your...
What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
What is something that has made you happy lately?
What is your favorite memory with me?
What is something you will regret not doing in your life?
How do you wish to be remembered?
What is your favorite family tradition?
Describe the secret talent of everyone in our family.
What words of wisdom do you live by?
How different was the world when you were a child?
What is the greatest lesson I have taught you?
Do you remember the moment that you knew that you loved me?
Are you happy with the level of intimacy in our relationship? What would you like to experience more of?
What smell reminds you of me?
What is your favorite ritual of ours?
Describe our relationship in one sentence.
What is my greatest gift or talent?
What are three ways I can improve to become a better human being?
What motivates me to get up every morning?
What does success mean to me?
What is one activity that always brings me joy?
With over 400 prompts based on positive psychology, Let’s Get Closer app will add an extra mindful and festive element to your holiday dinner, New Year celebration, or get-together with friends. You are one click away from deep conversations.
At the end of the day, the original meaning of the holiday season has always been about human connection and creating memories you will share and cherish together. Fancy decorations, glamorous outfits, and indulgent meals are just the sprinkle on the top, not the core reason for celebrating.